There are two ways to control the tempo in Logic from the ReMOTE SL:
Via MIDI Clock
The ReMOTE SL has an internal clock to which you can sync Logic to. This way, when you change the tempo of the internal clock the tempo in Logic will follow, no matter which template is selected. To set the SL up to send MIDI Clock, press the 'global' button to enter the global menu and make sure the following are set:
- USBaTo - M1 M2
- USBbTo - M1 M2
- MIDITo - Ua
- MidiClk - INTERNAL
- MClk-To - Ua
- BPMPorts - OFF
Press 'write' to save the settings and then 'play' to return to play mode. The ReMOTE SL will now be sending MIDI clock on USB Port 1. To get Logic to sync to an external MIDI clock, click and hold on the 'external sync' button in the transport bar and then select 'MIDI Clock Sync' from the menu. This button must be active (blue) for Logic to sync to the MIDI clock from the ReMOTE SL.
When Logic is synced to MIDI clock, you can use a combination of system real-time messages and MMC messages to control the transport. To get Logic to listen to MMC messages, go to File→Song Settings→Synchronization (or hit Alt+X) and make sure that only the 'Listen to MMC input' box is checked.
You will now need to assign some buttons on the ReMOTE SL to send the correct MMC and system real-time messages - perhaps re-assign the transport buttons. Note that you will need to re-assign them on all the templates that you use, including the Mixer and Plug-in Automap templates. Press and hold the 'edit' button and press the button you want to assign to bring up its settings on the left-hand display. Set the following for rewind, forward and record:
- Control: MMC
- Command: REWIND, FORWARD or RECORD (according to button labelling)
- Ports: Ua
- Device ID:0
- For play and stop set the following:
- Control: REALTIME
- LowVal: 'RT-Contu' for play and 'RT-Stop' for stop
- HighVal: (this does not matter)
- Ports: Ua
- MidiChan: ComnChan
- BtnType: Normal (scroll up to access this parameter)
Once you have set these buttons up, press 'write' to save the settings and 'play' to return to play mode. When you press the transport play button on the ReMOTE SL Logic will automatically switch into external sync mode (if it is not already active). Note that if record is enabled, then to disable it, you must click the 'stop' button on the transport bar in Logic. This will turn external sync mode off in Logic, but it will be automatically activated again when you next press play on the ReMOTE SL.
The tap tempo button and data select encoder will control tempo no matter which template is selected.
Via Tap Tempo
It is possible to learn one of the buttons or drum pads on the ReMOTE SL to Logic's Tap Tempo function. Note that you cannot learn the 'tap tempo' button on the SL to Logic's Tap Tempo command because it is not an assignable button and does not send MIDI messages. It is only used for controlling the ReMOTE SL's internal clock.
You need to set up one of the buttons or drum pads to send a control change (CC) message when pressed/hit. To do this, press and hold the 'edit' button and then press the button or drum pad you want to assign to bring up its settings on the left-hand display. Set the following:
- Control: CC
- DispType: 0-127
- LowVal: 127
- High Val: 0
- Ports: Ua
- MidiChan: 16
- CC Num: any number
- BtnType: Normal (scroll up to access this parameter)
Once you have set these up press 'write' to save the settings and 'play' to return to play mode. Now select Preferences→Key Commands (or hit Alt+K) and look for the 'Tap Tempo' command under the 'Global Commands' list. Select it, click 'Learn MIDI' and then press the button or drum pad you assigned. It will now be learned to the Tap Tempo function, so click 'Learn MIDI' again to switch it off and close the Key Commands window. You can adjust the settings for the Tap Tempo function by clicking and holding the 'external sync' button in the Logic transport bar and selecting 'Open Tempo Interpreter'. For more info on using Logic's Tap Tempo function, check out the 'Tempo' section in the Logic reference manual.