Applies to: Bass Station II (AFX 4.14 Update)
The 4.14 update allows you to use overlays to change the patch settings per note. See more information and guides for this update here:
The overlay you want to save to should be selected before you start editing.
To start, select an overlay:
Hold Function and press the Swing key twice, then use the Value arrows below the display to select one of the eight overlays (i.e. 1-8).
When in this overlay mode, pressing a key (and releasing it) will let you edit the overlay parameter settings (i.e. the patch) for that specific note.
To save the overlay with your changes:
Hold Function and press the Swing key twice so that you are back to the overlay selection, then press Save.
Note that you can only save for the currently selected overlay, moving to another overlay wipes all changes.
Note that moving to a new patch will change the overlay slot because the overlay slot is saved into the patch.
See this article for reference:
What Controls are Added to the Bass Station II UI in the 4.14 update?
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