Applies to SL MkIII
This article describes the various functions of the template editor for the SL MkIII.
Components is the tool used to manage the firmware and templates for many of our products. You can either download the standalone application when you register your SL MkIII to our customer portal, or you can access our web-based version in browsers that support web MIDI such as Chrome, Opera, and Microsoft Edge from this link:
If you are using a browser, you may need to allow the page to access your MIDI devices, as prompted when first loading the page:
Please note that you will not be able to use the web-based Components app in browsers such as Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer as these browsers do not support web MIDI.
You do not need to log in to use Components, but doing so allows you to back up all of your data to your account.
You can make templates in the editor whether the SL MkIII is connected to Components or not. To see if the SL is connected to Components, check the indicator in the top right:
In Components, you can change the Packs on the SL, edit templates in the Template Editor and check that you have the latest firmware Updates.
Packs contain the Sessions and Templates stored on the unit. You can use this section of Components to send a pack to the SL, retrieve the pack currently on the unit, create a new pack or upload a Pack from your computer.
Retrieving a pack will fetch all Sessions and Templates from the SL:
The Sessions screen allows you to look at the 64 Sessions stored on the unit:
and the 64 templates:
The Change Templates shortcut can be used for quick access to these functions:
Individual templates can be sent to one of the 64 template slots, or directly to a part, which will overwrite the template in that slot - this is a quick way to edit the content you're currently using.
Template Editor
As with Packs, templates can be retrieved from the unit, created as new, or uploaded from the computer:
Templates from the unit can be retrieved from the list of all 64 Templates, or pulled directly from one of the Templates currently being used in one of the 8 Parts. This makes it easier to get it and edit the controls currently being used.
The Template Editor is broken into 7 sections for the following features on the device: Rotary Controls, Faders, Buttons, Pads, Wheels, Pedals, and Keys. Along the top row of the editor, you can save to Template Pool, store to PC and Store to SL MK3:
Rotary Controls
On this screen, you can edit the messages sent and the behaviour for each of the rotary controls on your SL MkIII. All you need to do is select the rotary control you want to edit so that it is highlighted. Once selected, you can change the settings for that specific control:
You can also set the MIDI channel for each rotary control. The 'Default Channel' is the channel that the template is set up on, you can as well set the parameter change on a separate midi channel.:
You can get 8 more parameters in 'Bank 2' which means you can edit 16 in total.
On this screen, you can edit the MIDI messages being sent by the 8 Faders on your SL MkIII:
On this screen, you can edit the messages being sent out by the 16 buttons on your SL MkIII and how the button behaves when you press it:
On this screen, you can edit the messages sent out by the 16 pads on your SL MkIII. This includes Pad hit and pressure assignments:
On this screen, you are able to edit the messages sent by the Mod Wheel on your device.
On this screen, you can edit the messages sent out by the Sustain, Footswitch, and Expression Pedals on your device:
On this screen, you can edit the message sent out by the keys on your device:
Refer to the article below for further details on the terms used in the Template Editor for the SL MkIII and what they are for.
On this page, you can update and reinstall the firmware of your SL MkIII. When you first get the SL it is worth checking here to see that you have the latest firmware. The page also lists the changelog of previous firmware versions.
This page also gives the option to calibrate the pitch and modulation wheels of the unit connected.