Applies to Novation Circuit
This article describes the various functions of the synth editor for the Circuit.
Components is a tool used to manage the firmware and templates on many of our products. You can download a standalone version when you register your Circuit, or access our web-based version in browsers that support Web MIDI such as Chrome, Opera, and Microsoft Edge from this link:
If using a browser, you may need to allow the page access to your MIDI devices, as prompted when first loading the page:
The synth editor for the Circuit can be accessed via the editor menu in components.
So that the synth editor can communicate with your Circuit you'll need to enable the MIDI transmission (Tx) and receive (Rx). Please hold the Shift button on your Circuit when you turn it on. Make sure that the 'MIDI CC' (Orange) and 'MIDI Program Change (Pink)' buttons are brightly lit. Press the 'play' button to leave the settings view.
A yellow device icon at the top-right screen indicates the Circuit is in the wrong mode (Bootloader Mode). You will need to press the yellow indicator or manually restart the Circuit to enter Normal Mode.
A green device icon indicates the Circuit is in the correct mode, and your Circuit is set up now.
In the editor menu, you will have deep access to all the synth parameters for each of the Circuit's built-in synths.
The tabs along the top give you access to each of the synth's main sections.
Patch Select
Patch Preview
The adjusted patch settings won't be saved automatically. Click these buttons at the top section to save the Patch to the device, your computer or your account.
You have the option to initialise a new patch by clicking the Browser button on the top-right screen > New pack.
Synth Editor Functions
The Macro editor allows you to control the 8 knobs on your Circuit.
To assign what the knobs are controlling, drag & drop the empty circle to the controls below. You can assign up to 4 destinations for each Macro.
You can adjust how much the knob affects the control in the edit area located on the Modulation page.
Circuit has 2 oscillators that produce a wide selection of waveforms. This is the starting point of your sound. Most of the waveforms can be tweaked using the ‘Index’ and ‘Interpolation’ controls to create a huge range of sounds.
The Circuit Synthesizer contains 3 effects to add depth to your sound.
The ‘Chorus/Phaser’ can be used to add thickness to your sound, whilst the 'Distortion' can add warmth or destroy your sound. The EQ (Equaliser) lets you tweak the tone of your sound, by boosting or cutting low, middle and high frequencies.