Applies to: Circuit Tracks
For a video guide please see here.
Components can manage the content stored on Circuit Tracks; Projects, Samples for the Drum tracks, and the Synth Patches.
It can also be used to create your own synth patches and MIDI templates for the MIDI tracks.
While it is possible to use Components without Circuit Tracks connected, this guide will assume there is one connected. It will also assume you are logged in.
When you first open Components and select Circuit Tracks you'll be greeted with the Packs screen.
The green indicator in the top right corner shows that a unit is connected. A red indicator means that the unit is not recognised by Components. This may be because the unit is not connected, powered, or you may be using a browser that does not support Web MIDI (be sure to use something like Chrome or Opera). If the issue persists please contact our support team.
You'll have three options:
- Get Pack from Circuit Tracks - this will give you the option to get any of the Packs loaded into the unit connected (either from internal memory or from the SD card)
- Create Pack - allows you to create an entirely new pack from a blank slate
- Upload Pack - this lets you upload a .circuittrackspack file to Components. You might have downloaded one from a forum or store online, or have made one earlier. This guide covers how to save this file further down the page. You can also upload content from the original Circuit here.
If you pick the wrong option, just press New Pack in the top left to be taken back to that screen.
Once you've selected any of these three options you'll be taken to the Pack, which will look something like this:
You can expand a pack on the left-hand side and drag its content in if you want to use some of its content:
You can also drag and drop individual or multiples from a file browser (e.g. Finder on Mac) into these slots.
You can hold the Alt key on your keyboard while dragging content with the mouse to copy it to a new slot.
The first section shown on the page is Projects, which shows the projects of the unit in the slots they are saved in. The name of the project is shown as well as the colour it shows on the unit. You can click any slot here to change its name, replace it with a different Project, or, change its colour. You can also send it to Circuit Tracks, download it to your computer or remove it from the pack:
Pressing samples will take you to the samples screen which shows the samples in the pack. These are all audio files. You can upload different formats, but all audio will be converted to 48khz Mono 16bit when sent to Circuit Tracks. Selecting a sample allows you to change its name, replace the samples, send it to the Circuit Tracks, download it to your computer, or remove it from the pack. You can also drag and drop samples from a file browser (e.g. Finder on Mac) into these slots. No sample can be longer than 98.3 seconds, and you can store a total of 196.6 seconds worth of samples.
The Patches screen shows all the synth patches in the pack. These patches can be used by either Synth 1 or Synth 2. Selecting a patch allows you to change its name, and category (used for quick reference to know the sound type), replace the patch, download it or remove it.
You can also drag patches in via SysEx, these can be from Circuit Tracks or the original Circuit.
Sending/Saving the pack
Once you're happy with the content in the pack you can either save it to your account, or computer or send it to your Circuit Tracks. This is done with the options at the top of the Packs screen:
When you click 'Send to Circuit Tracks' you'll be able to decide if you want to send the whole Pack or just one section:
Once you click one of these options you can choose the Pack slot to send to, the first slot is the internal memory, the remaining slots are for use with an SD card. (Note that only one will be available if no SD card is inserted into Circuit Tracks):
After clicking Send Pack you'll see a progress bar on the screen and the unit will show it is receiving the Pack. This can take some time, and you should make sure the unit remains connected and powered while it sends. If the transfer does fail, you can just try again. Circuit Tracks will always keep a back up of the Pack that was loaded before the transfer so that it can boot up into that Pack.
MIDI Templates
The MIDI Templates screen allows you to choose functions for the 8 macro dials when using the MIDI tracks. Circuit Tracks can store up to 8 templates to be used by either of the two MIDI tracks.
As before, you can either get them from the unit, start from scratch or upload one. You also have some premade selections on the right-hand side.
The best way to use these templates is to think about what controls you'd like to change on another piece of hardware, find out what the message of the control is and set a parameter to that control.
For example, the Bass Station II's portamento can be controlled with CC 5, with a range of 0-127:
So this control will now affect the portamento when sent to the Bass Station II:
The polarity control will change the behaviour LED for the control. Unipolar means the LED increases value as it is turned from left to right; bipolar mean the centre causes the LED to be dim while the left or right values cause the LED to be brighter. This is useful for cross-fades and pan controls.
Pressing “Show Values” will reveal the settings for each control in the template:
As with Packs, you can either save them to your computer or account or send to the unit directly.
For a full guide to the synth editor, see here.
The synth screen allows you to create and edit patches. If Circuit Tracks is connected you can also preview a patch as well as edit a patch loaded on the unit in real-time (provided MIDI CC In/Out is enabled on the unit).
You can either select a specific patch from Circuit Track, Create a new Patch or Upload an existing one (patches from Circuit will also work). Once inside the Editor, you can also change between patches on the unit to send the Patch into the Editor.
Depending on your knowledge of synthesis you may find this section quite daunting, try loading some patches and changing some parameters to get an understanding of their effects.
The Effects section allows you to change the Effects used in the synth engine (not the FX used to affect the various tracks simultaneously:
The Modulation tab allows you to change the functions of the Macro dials for the patch in detail:
On factory patches, these tend to follow a pattern so that the controls match the labelling on the hardware, but you can set up any control on any macro.