Applies to:
- Launchkey MK4
- Logic Pro 10.8.1 and later
Before proceeding, make sure to update the Launchkey's firmware to the latest version using Components:
The following steps do not apply to Logic for iOS.
Logic Pro Setup
Download the Logic Pro script installer from the link below:
Quit Logic Pro, then run the script installer.
Once the installer is finished, open Logic Pro with Launchkey MK4 connected: you may be prompted to Auto Assign controls, which you can accept.
If you don't confirm the Auto Assign controls prompt at first, go to:
Logic Pro > Control Surfaces > Rebuild Defaults
Launchkey should then be set up automatically. If set up correctly, the DAW, Plugin, Mixer, Sends, and Transport pads light up when holding down the Shift button on Launchkey.
The Logic Control Surface tracks selection should also appear next to your Logic track(s):
The screen on your Launchkey MK4 should read "Logic Pro" and you should see the pads light up to reflect the selected track and record arm states:
If you do not see this, you may need to set it manually. To do this, go to:
Logic Pro > Preferences > Control Surfaces > Setup > New > Install
Find the entry for your Launchkey MK4 and click on 'Add' (below shown for a Launchkey MK4 49):
Set the Output Port and Input Port to the 'DAW' entries as shown below:
If having any issues after doing so, try to Rebuild Defaults again after the manual setup:
Logic Pro > Control Surfaces > Rebuild Defaults
Using Launchkey MK4 in Logic
For an overview of Launchkey's integration with Logic see the video below:
A playlist of tutorial videos can be found here:
Full details of Logic Pro integration can be found in the user guide for each model of Launchkey MK4 here.
You can find guides on how to use your Launchkey's features using the appropriate links below:
- Launchkey MK4 Components Guide
- Launchkey MK4 – Arp Pattern Guide
- Launchkey MK4 – Chord Map Guide
- Launchkey MK4 – Zones Guide
- Creative features overview video
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